The Steve and Millie Arroyo Scholarship

This endowed fund was established in 1984 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Meyerson and an anonymous donor in memory of Steve and Millie Arroyo, members of the Akron community. This 2023 revision updates the qualifications to receive the scholarship.

The scholarship will be used for students in the College of Engineering and Polymer Science and seeks to reach students that have traditionally been underrepresented in the College. The selection committee will use the following criteria: location of high school attended; financial need/economic background; first generation college attendance; evidence of leadership ability; extracurricular activities; creativity; community involvement; and students with a history of overcoming adversity. Consideration will also be given to students from urban areas and Appalachian counties.
Recipients shall be selected by The University of Akron Scholarship Committee in the Office of Student Financial Aid.

College of Engineering and Polymer Science