Georgianna Catherine Dedrick Scholarship Fund

With a gift from her estate, the late Georgianna C. Dedrick established The Georgianna Catherine Dedrick Scholarship Fund in The University of Akron’s College of Business Administration. Ms. Dedrick graduated from the University in 1961 at the age of 46. She also earned an undergraduate degree in industrial management and an MA from California State University. Ms. Dedrick spent 28 years with Republic Steel, from the age of 19 until she earned her degree from The University of Akron. Upon earning her degree, she left Ohio to teach business education courses in the California public school system. She returned to Ohio in 1990 and resided in Mansfield until her death in 2003. Ms. Dedrick’s scholarship will provide tuition assistance to students in The University of Akron’s College of Business Administration MBA program.

up to $2,000
College of Business