Barb Puder and Family Scholarship for Clinical Mental Heath Counseling

The Barb Puder and Family Scholarship for Clinical Mental Health Counseling was established in May 2021 by Barb Puder, class of 1996, in recognition of The University of Akron’s 150th Anniversary. In 1993, Barb decided to return to school after the devastating news of her husband Eric’s brain cancer diagnosis. She handled the challenges of new, life-altering changes thrown at her; caring for him and her two young children while also working to support her family. After graduating from The University of Akron with a bachelors degree in Biology, Barb continued her education. She earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience from NEOUCOM, now known as Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and Kent State University. She teaches medical neuroscience courses at Samuel Merritt University in California and runs neuroscience community outreach programs designed for grades K-12 entitled “Get to Know Your Brain!”

A proud UA alumna, Barb is a strong believer in the importance of higher education. Through her generosity she hopes to help students focus on their studies, give back to their communities, and help to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Scholarship recipients may be enrolled full-time or part-time in The University of Akron’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master’s program. Students must be in good academic standing and have financial need. Selection will be determined by the University Scholarship Committee.

College of Health and Human Sciences